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Leaks From America Of Information From The Manchester Bombing Investigation Is Putting British Lives At Risk

It was less than 48 hours after the massacre of innocents at the Manchester Arena, that photos of the crime scene including bloodstained shrapnel were published by the New York Times after presumably being leaked by American intelligence to the newspaper. This was just one in a long line of leaks mostly in the American press (not all were, as the French interior minister blabbed live on air that the suicide bomber was thought to have spent time in Syria) which seemingly come from American government sources leaking information given to them in trust by the British intelligence sources.
The reasons behind this grossly loose lipped behaviour are unknown. They could be by anti-Trump forces, but it more likely that they are by those of his supporters who wish to undermine the traditional transatlantic alliances such as NATO and the Five Eyes intelligence sharing system. Whatever the reason, it is heartless beyond belief, to share pictures of the nuts and screws used to kill and maim concert goers, a point rammed home by the fact that in the photos so unhelpfully supplied by the New York Times are surrounded by the blood of those victims. It would significantly irresponsible to share them after an investigation has finished but to do so when the suspects are still on the run defies all common sense and decency. It does so to the point that this simply can’t be incompetence but one wonders if there is malice and cynicism involved.

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