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Cat goes missing at JFK airport after bolting from owner while boarding China flight


Pepper the cat lured out of hiding after seven days on the lam

A frisky can that got loose at New York's Kennedy Airport has been captured after more than a week on the lam.

WABC-TV reports that Pepper the cat was lured out of hiding early Saturday.

Pepper bolted from her owner April 20 as they were preparing to board a flight to China.
The owner was moving to China for a new job and had to leave without Pepper.

Pepper was spotted several times in non-public areas but eluded capture.
Then on Saturday, the officer who led the rescue effort enlisted the help of a friend of Pepper's owner, who called Pepper by her Mandarin name and enticed her with food. The officer and the friend then grabbed Pepper.

The friend will be responsible for getting Pepper to the owner.

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